Safeguarding Serrano Embroidery

The “EnTre2 Plan” is the result of a present-day effort to join forces and lead the future recognition of one of the traditional manifestations of Intangible Culture Heritage in Salamanca, i.e. popular Serrano Embroidery. This joint project has developed activities that raise social awareness and increase the transmission, acknowledgement and territorial cohesion around the common purpose of highlighting and recognising this valuable cultural asset.

Based on the UNESCO recommendations for Intangible Cultural Heritage recognition, on the Government of Spain’s National ICH Plan, on the PAHIS 2020 PLAN of the Cultural Heritage of Castile and León and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030, we have developed the “EnTre2 Plan” to SAFEGUARD Serrano Embroidery proceeding with the following strategy:

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One of the main objectives is the recognition of Serrano Embroidery as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) by the Autonomous Region of Castile and León and its subsequent consideration by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage element.

Initially promoted by the Red Arrayán Association of Culture, Heritage and Environment and the City Council of Mogarraz, it has the support of Spain’s Ministry of Culture and the Regional Government of Castile and León, as well as of the University of Salamanca and several local entities in the area. From this first boost, the aim is to begin an integration process of public and private entities interested in safeguarding Serrano Embroidery and continuity through a Local Consortium as the body in charge of “Shared Governance” working jointly and collaboratively in its dissemination, continuity and innovation, respecting tradition and applying it to the social, educational, economic and cultural development of the territory.

Another one of the objectives of this strategy of SAFEGUARDING is to study and research Serrano Embroidery and identify experts, pieces, elements, spaces, manifestations and entities of knowledge and custody of this Intangible Cultural Heritage element.

By complementing this heritage with instruction and dissemination actions, we contribute to its continuity, safeguarding and value in the communities of the Sierra de Francia.

In this way, we integrate the dispersed knowledge about Serrano Embroidery, providing recognition in these communities as an integral part of their cultural heritage, facilitating knowledge transmission, communication and continuity to new generations inside and outside the territory in ways which are coherent, truthful and reliable.
