Following UNESCO’s recommendations, the “EnTre2 Plan” is a two-part strategy aimed at securing the acknowledgement and recognition of this intangible heritage element:
On the one hand, SAFEGUARDING strategy targets mainly the study, dissemination and continuity of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serrano Embroidery in the bearer communities and beyond them. In addition, it promotes the Asset of Cultural Interest declaration on behalf of the Regional Government of Castile and León.
On the other hand, INNOVATION strategy works towards promoting and facilitating
sociocultural transformations consistent with the iconographic universe of Serrano Embroidery in association with different social groups, sectors and local entities of the Sierra de Francia region in Salamanca.
While the safeguarding strategies of enhancing acknowledgement and knowledge continuity, the innovation strategies are generating a number of ingenious proposals with a new cultural and creative language. In fact, through its identity recognition and a renovated educational, social and economic drive, the plan benefits local bearer communities. As a result, a variety of creative experiences emerge in partnership with craft workshops, artists, design and new cultural industries professionals from both inside and outside the region.
In accordance with the New European Bauhaus, the innovation strategy has experiential projects and handcrafted prototypes applied to new formats and cultural spaces. It is in such spaces that craftsmanship and applied arts are in the limelight. Therefore, new models of creative economy based on cooperation, equality and the acknowledgement of personal talents are being generated around the common thread that is Serrano Embroidery Intangible Cultural Heritage.
This INNOVATION strategy based on aesthetic and intangible elements from Serrano Embroidery is being developed by Lab-CREARTE, the Design and Cultural Innovation Laboratory of the Red Arrayán Association. It is in charge of research and testing new original design proposals such as using arts and crafts to embellish public areas and contribute to social and local development.